Career Club

We want to bring movement into the industry!

Fewer and fewer young people are choosing a career in the hotel and catering industry. A situation in which we can no longer stand idly by. Our aim is to promote and motivate the next generation of professionals. The excellent positioning of Falstaff can bring about a change in the market.

Falstaff Karriere Club nur eines der Karriere-Leve
Falstaff Karriere Club nur eines der Karriere-Leve

What does Falstaff Profi do for you?

  • Free Falstaff Profi Magazine - All members of the ChefHeads will receive the new Falstaff Profi Magazine for free!
  • Star up - Falstaff Profi / Young Talents Cup
  • Since 2015 Falstaff Profi challenges motivated young talents to prove themselves in a competition. This is not about hyping, but about accompanying. During the competition phase coaching and training with professionals is offered. ChefHeads has the possibility to present itself at the events and to support the young talents with words and deeds if desired.
  • Falstaff Career Club - In order not to lose sight of the new generation Falstaff calls a career club into being - a unique career network. The talents are accompanied, informed about the news of the branch and have the possibility to attend courses and workshops in the Falstaff Career Academy and to exchange ideas. ChefHeads has again the possibility to present here.
  • News from ChefHeads - CHefHeads is interested in a topic? Falstaff Profi is happy to report about it on and!

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